Cancer in Boxer Dogs

Cancer is a disease known spreading in the body due to the extraordinary division of cells in an uncontrolled way. It begins when genes are changed and resultantly, one or few cells start to grow and exceed in conglomerate number and originate a tumour and normally, it is the area from this deadly disease initiates.

It can gradually damage other body parts and tissues as well and this is known a secondary tumour or a metastasis. According to a research, 50 % of the dog breeds around the globe, when they reach the age of 10, they are affected with cancer disease. This is really alarming, but thanks to the medical developments, if it is caught early, like in humans, the cancer in dogs is also curable.

Malignant lymphoma and dogs;

Malignant lymphoma which is also referred sometimes as just ‘lymphosarcoma’ is s type of neoplasms or tumour which actually is one of the major reasons for cancer in dogs. They are born in lymphoid tissues and can damage many body organs and tissues of a dog. Due to some kind of painless swelling of the lymph node, sometimes the enlargement of spleen and liver and bone marrow devastation also occurs,

but the affected dog normally doesn’t show any unusual sign during this attack. Gradually, the symptoms like anorexia, weight loss, ascites, dyspnea, polydipsia and polyuria are appeared. If it is not diagnosed on early stage, the dog’s cancer can become incurable in just few weeks.

Cancer in Boxer dogs;

Cancer in Boxer DogsThe United Kingdom Kennel Club has mentioned, almost 40% of deaths in the boxer dog breed are caused due to some type of cancer ailment. Cancer is so common and a prevalent enemy of Boxer dog.

If you are boxer dog owner or planning to bring a boxer dog at your home, this factor should be in your mind and it is better, if you understand, why and when this precarious disease can attack your dearie boxer dog.

 Primary reasons of cancer in Boxer dog;

The first thing which comes into the mind of the reader, what can be the primary reasons for so common cancer disease in boxer dogs? Well, it really depends, however the style of living, the environmental conditions in which the boxer dog is passing its life and even it can also be due to the genes transferred in your boxer dog from its predecessors.

It is also important to denote, some vets even suggest, the genetics plays the most vital and critical role in the development of cancer disease in boxer dogs and as it is so natural, so this trend cannot be controlled. A maximum thing to prevent this unfortunate happening at the last age of the life of your precious boxer is to give it a healthy and active lifestyle.

Secondary reasons of cancer in Boxer dog;

Cancer in Boxer DogsThere can be some other reasons, as sometimes there can be sudden and unpredictable metamorphosis of cells in the body of boxer dog and it can be sometimes unidentified. Sometimes if some boxer dog has such types of sores or injuries which are not healing in time,

these can consequently make some infection and even those can also lead to the birth of cancer in its body. Some wounds which are existing in a boxer puppy and can ultimately come along in its adult age by creating bone cancer. It is also observed, in many cases of bone cancer in boxer dog,

it starts from the same injured part of the body, where it was affected in its young age.

If there is happening of some changes in the urinary or bowel routine of boxer dog as if it is facing uneasiness in using the toilet or going to washroom for several times and if there is emission of blood or puss in urine or stool, these can be the symbolic signs of development of cancer in such boxer dog.

As the sniffing is the most common habit of a boxer dog, sometimes the infection which are established in the nose area of a boxer dog and can ultimately generate cancer. If your boxer dog is suffering from limping and if it is continued for a while, it can be mostly associated with arthritic issues but sometimes it can also be a sign of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer in Boxer dogs;

For more understanding of this subject, we have chalked below as some symptoms of cancer in a boxer dog. These cannot be the only symptoms, but what we have compiled are the most commonly observed and those are as under;

The physical growth of some lump;

It is always necessary for a boxer owner to keep a constant check on the body of its boxer. Sometimes even a critical examination is also needed on frequent basis even on the hidden parts of the body. And if a single and little lump or bump or its growth is found, it should be taken seriously and it can ultimately be a symptom of cancer in a boxer’s body.

Loss of appetite in a boxer dog;

If a regular loss of appetite is observed in your boxer dog, then this factor must not be ignored. The diet taking habit should remain persistence in your boxer dog. If there is slight changing which is constantly developing in a rapid transition then it is really alarming and lead to the growth of cancer in your boxer dog.

Blood weeping from a certain part of body;

Well this symptom is related to some open sores that exist in the body of a boxer dog. It can be a major area of concern and it should be cured at the earlier stage otherwise there is a danger; it will go along with the development of cancer germs in the body of a boxer dog. Continuous diarrhea, unusual vomiting or strange blood discharge is always to be taken vigorously.

Gradual weight loss in a boxer dog;

When a boxer dog is suffering from a rapid loss of weight then its keen observation is needed. Especially, the ribs area of its body should be examined because the most prominent variation is noticeable in the change occurring in the rib cage. What we recommend, prompt steps to be taken and to be consulted with a proper vet, so there is no reason of cancer development in its body.

Reduction of energy or stamina;

If you find a rapid drowsiness, laziness, inactiveness and disinterest of your boxer dog in exercises or walk and if there is a continuation of these factors, then it is always recommended, the situation can be lethargic. Definitely, in such cases, your boxer dog will soon become tiring during the walks or other physical activities and will more prefer to take rest. Don’t ignore this change; it can also be a symptom of cancer.

Brain tumours in a boxer dog;

The growth of brain tumours in the boxer breed is relatively more common than other dogs. In such cases, the boxer dog can feel hazard in normal walking or some appearance of front part paralysis and defective or flawed sighting signs can also emerge. There can be loss of balance and weakness on one side of the body. Brain tumors are particular and radical in older boxer dogs.

Constant existence of cold effects;

As the boxer dog is a dog breed that is more sensitive and prone to the weather effects, and when there is cold temperature, if it is not properly safeguarded, it can catch some cold effects including fever, sneezing, coughing and discharge coming from nostril areas. And if such situation is continued, the dog will discourage its walk or exercises so special treatment is needed in order to avoid the ultimate danger of cancer development in such case.

Offensive odor coming from a boxer dog;

If you notice some unusual and offensive odor coming from the mouth of your boxer dog, then be cautious, as there can be existence of some hidden tumour inside the mouth area of a boxer dog. Even if it is coming from ears or any other part of the body of such boxer dog, then this must not be neglected. Urgent action to be taken and complete medical examination should be taken. If your boxer dog’s polar gums are pale and remain unchecked for a longer period, they can become the cause of mouth cancer.

Unusual urination and defecation;

Sometimes a Boxer dog may have some declining bowel trend or excessive bowel exercises or sometimes even with endless diarrhea effects. Well it cannot be taken a serious threat in the beginning but if the issue is prolonged, appropriate action is required. There can be digestion issues which can be due to existence of worms in the stomach of such boxer dog and ultimately create the digestion system upset. There must be constant check, if boxer dog’s abdominal part is suffering from bloating or distension which is known as stomach swelling.

Breathing issues causing cancer in boxer dog;

If your boxer dog is continuously facing obstacle in breathing or other respiratory problems then there are inductions of lung and heart diseases, and sometime even in cancer. It is always recommended, that the vet must consulted as soon as possible.

Bruises in the canine area;

If there is some bruise and that is unhealed for a while then it can be symptom of canine mouth cancer. In this case, your boxer dog will feel anxiety and displeasure in eating and taking its diet. The identical oral tumous in boxer dogs are existed on the upper part of the mouth or around the upper teeth. These can spread rapidly and also affect the nearby canine bones and other related body tissues. And the consequently the spoiling characters might affect and penetrate to all other parts of the body of boxer dog as well.

Unhealed injuries or wounds;

Boxer Dogs like to run, jump and romp inside and outside. But in such case, they can face some injuries problems, some of their muscles can be pulled, they can have sprain and sometimes in the most severe cases, they can even break a bone. Normally, the soft tissue injuries in boxer dogs come from falls, fights, accidents and during exercise and play.

Sometimes these injuries can become worst. In these all cases, ignorance can lead to some dangerous situation. They can start limping and they can have a cut on or between their paw pads or between their toes. These should be handled in time and with care and if not done or rest unhealed, such wounds can create to cancer even.

Types of cancer in Boxer dogs;

American Kennel Club studies suggest; there four types of cancer most commonly observed in boxer dog breed.

Boxer Hemangiosarcoma ( a cancer of blood vessels): If this cancer is spread in the body of a boxer dog, then the life expectancy of a boxer dog is remaining only for few months. In fact it is the most dangerous form of boxer dog cancer. It is pertinent to mention, HSA is responsible for almost 7% of canine cancer cases.

Lymphoma in Boxers;

( The cancer of the lymphocytes): Lymphoma is a kind of cancer which starts developing in the lymphocyte cells of the immune system. There are further two forms of this type of cancer; B and T cells. Usually, the symptoms appear lack of appetite, body weaknesses and drowsiness in the boxer dog.

Brain Cancer or Brain tumour in a boxer dog:

Boxers which are having a small nose have a tendency to develop a type of brain tumor known as gliomas. It is too dangerous in the sense, as the removal of gliomas can be so dangerous during surgery as it can damage other brain tissues during the treatment.

Mast Cell Tumours ( Related to skin cancer in Boxer dog):

These types of tumours are gradually appeared on the coat of the boxer dog, and in the consequence, a lump is started to develop either inside the skin or on the outside. These tumours apparently resemble like an insect bite and are reddish in colour and cause irritation to the boxer dog who continuously scratches over the infected part.

Boxer dogs are prone to cancer: Can it be avoided?

So far, you have clearly understood, your boxer dog is a type of breed which is more prone to cancer disease. It is true, if the boxer dog is infected with cancer, thorough prevention of cancer is really a tough ask. But a good boxer dog owner should possess some common sense and such measures to be adopted, so the boxer dog’s immune system to be stayed normal, strengthened and it can be saved from destruction.

It is just like you do in your normal life, if your boxer dog is living a healthier life and eating appropriate and balanced diet, it is having fresh and clean air to breathe, it can stay away from catastrophic elements that can ruin its health. Some qualified veterinarians suggest; some kind of immune-boosting herbs, hygienic supplements and some special foods can help in this regards as well.

If you are a smoker and you have developed a habit of smoking inside the premises of your home, then it is not good not only for you, your family members and also for your boxer dog and other pets. Inhalation and breathing in such hazardous smoke can make your boxer dog affected with the smoke harms.

It is advised, keep your boxer dog away from the range of smoke, even in some cases, this smoke can create allergy causes in your boxer dog as well. Second-hand smoke is also a genuine and serious threat to the health of your boxer dog. Similarly, if you are residing in a pollutant area where there is regular emission of vehicular or industrial smoke, it can also be harmful for the health of your boxer dog as they have persistent sniffing habit.

We have also described it earlier and in other articles, the quality of food has the most significant role in the healthy lifestyle of a boxer dog. It is suggested to avoid fast food or prepared food material which is purchased from the market which can put negative impact on the health of your boxer dog.

What happens actually; when you provide your boxer dog with artificial or junk food material, it will not get pure and appropriate nutrients. When nice and natural foods along with necessary exercises are included in the schedule of your boxer dog, these can prevent the danger of cancer in its life.

Some doctors and biologists also recommend for many mushrooms which have naturally anti-tumor and immune-stimulating substances which are used in the Far East for a long period, they are quite beneficial for boxer dogs.  Cordyceps, reishi, shiitake, maitake, and turkey tail are good examples of such mushrooms.

In addition to the above said, the safe and hygienic water drinking is also very essential for the health and safety of your boxer dog. Always keep a constant check on the drinking behavior and habits of your boxer dog, and if you find any abnormality, then never become negligent and consult with a qualified vet. In case of the difficultly in affording the mineral or bottled water, if you are using tap water, then good quality water filters to be used for getting clean drinking water.

If the female boxer dogs are spayed before the season coming, there are relatively lower risks of developing mammary tumours and ovarian cancer. If spaying is done after passing many heat cycles, the chances of such type of cancers can become vital. Similarly if the make boxer dog is neutered on time, the risk of testicular cancer is minimized.

If you have a white Boxer dogs or a Boxer dog which is having large white spots on its body, it is always recommended to use good quality sunblocks when going outside. They have a sensitive skin and it is always better to paste the sunscreen on their coats to prevent from development of skin cancer in their bodies. For all kinds of Boxer dogs, nose balms are suggested to be used if your boxer dog is kept outside, for a long period, particularly in hot season.

Treatment methodologies of cancer in Boxer dogs;

Don’t be surprised as the treatment of cancer in an infected boxer dog is just like it is applied on humans and its ways can differentiate depending on its forms. During the treatment, it is always recommended to boost the immunity system of the boxer dog. Medical treatment including the pharmaceutical medicines is almost the same as being used by the humans. In most cases, the chemotherapy and radiation ways are also applied.

If cancer is diagnosed in time, then it can be cured and resultantly the lifespan of boxer dog can be increased. All surgeries and treatments are administered under anesthesia and damage can occur from the radiation beam. As a result, in some cases, the hair colours can also change.

Surgical removal of mammary tumours in case of female boxer dog is the most common treatment choice. Chemotherapy is considered one of the most effective ways to cure cancer disease as it normally outcomes with the ultimate remission.
During the treatment, it is essential for the boxer dog owner to pay regular visits for the physical examination, complete blood count, urine analysis, and other required tests.

It is also critically important to keep a constant check on the health and behaviors of the infected boxer dog during the treatment. Extra care is recommended for the diet of the cancer patient dog and the uncooked meat or vegetables should be avoided. Similarly the unpasteurized dairy products and milks should also be kept away. Indoor confinement can be a safer way to protect the infected boxer dog from the outside hazardous elements.

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